How to Create a Piece of Content Every Day

Mason Lawlor
2 min readMar 15, 2022


I’ve been reading The Practice by Seth Godin.

It’s inspired me to make a habit out of publishing an entry every day, even if it’s just a small journal entry. I can start with a blog on the website, then move towards sharing those on different Instagram pages, social media, reddit, etc.

Setting the bar high

I used to think journal entries weren’t really considered a good piece of content. I wanted every piece of content to be something amazing.

My original goal was to create a video every day. I would live stream myself working on But I quickly realized that was just impossible to do while my baby daughter was about to be born. After she was born, it didn’t get any easier. I lowered the bar to something more realistic. Once a week was even good enough for me, as long as I just kept publishing.

Setting the bar low

I think that treating things like a marathon, not a sprint, will have better long term results. Doing a live stream every day is a bit unrealistic for my lifestyle, at least right now. But publishing a piece of content from my journal is a lot more obtainable.

Here’s the workflow–


  • Notion


  • Bonsai Blog
  • Medium

Social Media:

  • Instagram- @masoninthesis and
  • Reddit

Those will be my 5 primary channels at first. Then we can expand from there if needed.

  • Notion is for brain-dumping
  • The blogs are for rough ideas
  • And social media is for little nuggets of insight

Between that, and the occasional live streams, I should be able to put out at least 5–7 pieces of content per week.

I think the key is to make it so easy that it requires almost no additional effort from journaling or morning pages.



Mason Lawlor

Product Creator– design, development, and marketing.